Informal | Informative | Inspiring

Face-to-face events exclusively for parents with an emphasis on socializing, sharing expertise and exchanging experiences.


Our mission is to bring together parents from all walks of life to help them cope with the pressures of raising kids and to have some fun.

From informative talks and practical workshops on parenting challenges to nights out and inter-PTA competitions, M2M Events provides opportunities for parents to socialise, to share experiences and to take comfort in the fact that we are all in the same boat.


I am a proud mum of three (mostly) lovely kids based in Maidenhead. After over 20 years of managing business to business events and commuting into London, I decided to set up my own business combining my experience of parenthood and my skills as an event manager.

During lockdown, I struggled to homeschool my kids, like most of my friends and it got me thinking that it would be great to have a bit of guidance for the things that we have to deal with. Whether it’s getting your head around the phonics approach to reading or trying to understand the world of gaming, there are so many aspects to being a parent that don’t come naturally to us and all of us could do with a bit of help. I also realised the importance of socialising face to face with other parents. You can’t beat talking to people going through similar experiences to you and it’s great to let your hair down with other parents who don’t judge you.

Nicky Cox, Founder, M2M Events


Join one of our interactive panel sessions aimed at helping parents understand more about a given topic in an informal setting. 

Sign up for one of our competitive events bringing school parents together to battle it out for a cash prize for their school’s PTA.

A series of carefree events to help you let your hair down and bring your circles of friends together under one roof.

What our attendees say

“The M2M event Clueless about Gaming was really helpful and informative. Each speaker was very knowledgeable and patiently explained to the ‘Clueless’ in the room about the world of gaming focusing on tweens and teens. The atmosphere was fun and light-hearted with plenty of time to ask questions and enjoy the snacks and drinks.”

Becky, Maidenhead Mum of two and Environment Manager

“I have attended several ‘Clueless’ events so far and have found all of them relaxed and really informative. The atmosphere has been very laidback and fun (with wine of course!) and I have felt really comfortable asking questions of the very approachable speakers. The range of speakers has been great at each event, offering a range of perspectives on each topic, and the food has been fab too!!”

Charlotte, Maidenhead Mum of two and Lawyer

“We all really enjoyed the Inter-PTA Netball Tournament.  Such a great event! Loved the tournament but also great to get mums out there together playing sport. The school are delighted with the prize money!”

Lucy, Windsor Mum

“I went along to ‘Clueless About Teenagers’ as the topics were so relevant to myself as a mother of teen and pre-teen kids. The information I received was invaluable. I was able to implement changes to immediately make interactions with my kids much more positive experiences. I felt more in control and able to support and protect them better because of the advice and answers I received. As an added bonus it was a great opportunity to meet like-minded mums, very sociable and an excuse for a mid-week drink and amazing snacks.”

Julie, Maidenhead Mum of three and Physical Trainer

A word from our sponsors

“As a fellow Maidenhead business owner, EweMove Maidenhead are delighted to have the opportunity to support M2M Events, who provide exciting opportunities for mums in the area to network via creative, fun events, while gaining invaluable advice and tips to support the family.”

Steve Hay, Branch Director EweMove Maidenhead

Sponsorship opportunities

If you would like to raise your profile by gaining access to our network of parents, as well as promoting your business as a supporter of the local community then get in touch with [email protected] to discuss current sponsorship opportunities.

Keep in touch

Please complete the form below if you would like to be added to the M2M Events newsletter.

*it is very useful for us to know which school your kids go to so that we can understand the mix of our audience and the reach of our marketing.

Contact us

Nicky Cox, Founder

M2M Events

8 Bridle Close,  Maidenhead, SL6 7RR